Live Well Chiropractic Library
Stretches to Feel Your Best
Spinal Hygiene
Just like dental hygiene, daily spinal hygiene is a must.
Superb stretch and exercise to help with forward rounded shoulders, forward head, and text neck.
Cat horse
Great stretch for spinal mobility and lower back pain.
Daily lower back and hip stretch
Great morning and evening stretch.
The 4-Minute Daily Workout
You need to commit only 4 minutes a day for this great workout.
Sinus And Ear Infection Relief
Powerful techinques to stimulate drainage of head and ears.
Simple Stretches Upper to Mid-Back
Bob and Brad demonstrate exercises to do for your upper and mid-back.
How Lasers Work.
StemWave Introduction
Introduction on what to expect on your first visit.
StemWave Post
Instructions after your first treatment.